Strong roots give us insights into the factoids that shaped tee mind of the great personality. APJ Abdul kalam. He was greatly influenced by his spiritual father who disciplined life, jainulabdeen made kalam acquainted with the fundamental truths of life kalam admitted that all his life, he had fried to emulate his father in his field science and technology. Kalam had imbibed the spirit of generosity by observing his mother, ashamed, feeding a large number of outsiders every day the locality, where kalam grow up, had taught him religious tolerance because the Hindus and the Muslims lived there amicably. His father jainulabdeen often held discussions on religious jainulabdeen often held discussions on religious matters with his close friend, pasha lakshmana satyr. The high priest of the rameswaram temple, jainulabdeen had taught his son that human life is an essential part of the great divine spirit, all troubles and deprivations have their relevance and adversities should not be feared for they provide man with opportunities for introspection. These spiritual teachings helped Abdul kalam to formulate a clear vision of life, that if one can diver emotional and physical bonds one can achieve one’s goals and made him believe in the existence of god thus we loam how proper teachings spiritual upbringing in a congenial atmosphere can shape a great mind and help it to advance towards future greatness