in ‘strong roots’ Abdul kalam wrote about his father in high praise, neither his father had much formal education nor was he much financially strong but he possessed great innate wisdom and a true generous spirit, these qualities of jainulabdeen had contributed in shaping kalam’s life kalam’s necessities were fulfilled and he considered his childhood to be a secured one he remembered his father conveying complex spiritual concepts in simple Tamil, his father s views on adversity that is not to fear difficulties, sufferings and problems rather treating it as a chance to introspect had hoped him throughout his life he had tried to inculcate his father’s teachings in his own world of science and technology jainulabdeem had revealed to kalam the fundamental truths of life and had made him believe that there exists a divine power that can lift one up from confusion, misty, melancholy and failure and guide one to one s actual place, this is how Abdul kalam expressed his gratitude towards his father.