What do the rough winds do ? What does the poet mean by ‘summer’s lease? How is the Mend’s beauty superior to the summer’s day?

Hello friends today we are discuss this question, the question is -What do the rough winds do ? What does the poet mean by ‘summer’s lease? How is the Mend’s beauty superior to the summer’s day?

The rough winds shake the darling buds of May. William Shakespeare uses the phrase ‘summer’s lease’ to signify the time span of summer season.

The season does not last long and is destined to end. Throughout the sonnet, William Shakespeare points out certain flaws in summer’s beauty which makes his friend’s beauty superior to that of a summer’s day. Firstly, a summer’s day is very unpredictable because sometimes it is too sunny and suddenly dark clouds darken the ‘gold complexion’ of the sun. Secondly, the hot winds which blow during summer cause harm to the ‘darling buds of May’. The time span of the season is also brief. Thus, it can be concluded that a summer’s day has many defects. On the other hand, the poet’s dear friend’s beauty is more lovely and more gentle. The beloved friend’s beauty is not subjected to decay as it has been eternalised in the lines of this sonnet.

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