How does the tree in ‘On Killing a Tree’ heal itself?

Hello friends today we are discuss this question, the question is -How does the tree in ‘On Killing a Tree’ heal itself?

In the poem ‘On Killing a Tree,’ the tree symbolises nature. Nature is the best healer. The tree is a powerful living organism. It has great regenerative power. It has the unique power of healing wounds and attacks. A simple cut with the knife cannot make it dead. Its amazing vitality enables it to withstand the cuts and bruises. Man gives the tree much pain by hacking and chopping, but the act of hacking and chopping cannot kill it. The tree fights for life again. The bleeding bark heals its wounds. New leaves come out of its leprous hide. The small boughs grow into big branches and expand to its former size. In this way, the tree survives all odds and heals itself after a period of time.

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