“You are tired,”-Who said this and to whom? Why did the speaker come to the listener? Why did the speaker offer to help? How was he benefitted by this?

The Tsar said this to the wise hermit who was digging the ground. The speaker came to the listener to get the right answers of the three questions that had occurred to him. When the Tsar came to visit the hermit, he saw him digging the ground in front of his hut. Every time the frail and weak hermit stuck his spade into the ground and turned a little earth, he breathed heavily. Witnessing this, the kind-hearted Tsar, offered to help the hermit.The Tsar got one of his questions’ answer by assisting the hermit. The hermit said that if the Tsar had not pitied the hermit’s feeble condition, had not dug those beds and went his way, the bearded man, who was seeking vengeance would have attacked the Tsar and killed him. Therefore, according to the hermit, the one with whom we are interacting at present, is the most important person.

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