Write a brief note on Chekhov’s depiction of aristocratic society in ‘The Proposal’.

Hello friends today we are discuss this question, the question is -Write a brief note on Chekhov’s depiction of aristocratic society in ‘The Proposal’.

Anton Chekhov in his masterpiece ‘The Proposal satirises the aristocratic Russian society of those days. The play presents the theme of the spiritual failure of characters in a disintegrated society. The lives of the landed gentry like Chubukov and Lomov are shown to be futile, boring and lonely.

They are unable to have an honest conversation with each other and are suspicious and quarrelsome. Their arguments reveal the conflicts growing within the society. The sorry plight of the landless peasants has been revealed by Lomov in the course of the conversation, where we learn that they worked for forty years on Oxen Meadows without gaining ownership. This kind of exploitation sickens the society which is revealed by Lomov’s swooning and his frequent references to various ailments. Thus, through a humorous portrayal of the characters and their dialogues Chekhov criticises the intriguing, hypocritical and mercenary landed gentry.

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