Why had the bearded man requested the Tsar to forgive him?

The bearded man asked for forgiveness from the Tsar. The Tsar had ordered to kill the bearded man’s brother and seize his property. So the bearded man became an enemy of the Tsar. To avenge his brother’s death, he plotted to kill the Tsar. As a part of his plan, he followed the Tsar to the forest. There he got recognised by the Tsar’s bodyguard and was severely wounded. Somehow, he escaped from them and reached near the hermit’s hut where he fainted. The Tsar and the hermit nursed him with great care and saved his life. When the bearded man came to his senses, he realised that the man whom he had planned to kill, brought him back to life. The bearded man felt ashamed and asked for the Tsar’s forgiveness out of repentance.

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