Why did the Tsar decide to meet the hermit? After meeting him, how did the Tsar assist him in his work?

The Tsar was dissatisfied with the answers of the learned men to his three questions. The answers provided by the scholars, were all different. So, with the hope of getting the appropriate answers, he went to meet the hermit in the guise of a commoner as the hermit received common people. The Tsar decided to consult the hermit who was widely renowned for his wisdom.

When the Tsar approached, the hermit was digging the ground in front of his hut. Seeing the Tsar, the hermit greeted him and continued digging. The hermit was frail and weak and had no one around to help him. The merciful Tsar, voluntarily went to dig the ground to provide some relief to the hermit who was running out of breathe each time he stuck his spade into the ground and turned a bit of earth. The Tsar carried on digging for hours till sunset though the hermit asked him to rest for a while. While digging also he requested the hermit to answer his questions.

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