is Both Mrs Jones and Roger are important in their own way and both can claim to be the central character of the story. To begin with, this story can be looked upon as the story of a poor young boy who turns into a thief out of circumstance and a chance-meeting with Mrs Jones refines him from both inside and outside. He has undoubtedly an innate goodness of soul otherwise mere kindness and sympathy can not bring this change in him. On the other hand, Mrs Jones is portrayed from the beginning as an energetic, perceptive yet generous woman who has the power to bring about a change in a person. She acts as the author’s spokesperson, delivering the important message of life. She tries to transform a thief into an honest boy by advising him that he would never live peacefully if he earns things by adopting dishonest means. She rightly says to Roger that he cannot forget Mrs Jones as the readers too cannot forget her. Thus both the characters demand equal importance in this story.