“When in eternal lines to time thou grow’st”-Whom does the poet address in this line? What will grow in ‘eternal lines’? What things will be unable to hinder the growth?

Hello friends today we are discuss this question, the question is -“When in eternal lines to time thou grow’st”-Whom does the poet address in this line? What will grow in ‘eternal lines’? What things will be unable to hinder the growth?

In the above line the poet addresses his beloved friend.

The beauty of the young man will grow in ‘eternal lines’. Here ‘eternal lines’ refer to the poet’s verse which will bestow immortality on the fair youth.

Death and time will not be able to hinder the growth. The poet realises that his written words have the power to immortalise the beauty of the young man. The cruel touch of death will fail to claim the beauty of the youth because this sonnet will be read by men through ages and every time someone reads this sonnet, he or she will remember the poet’s much adored friend.

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