Kino Mrs. Jones is the speaker. The word ‘sir’ refers to Roger. Roger saw Mrs. Jones carrying a large purse and thought of snatching it. But his plan failed. He was caught by Mrs Jones. After meeting Roger under such circumstance Mrs Jones, instead of handing him over to the police took him to her house to teach him the difference between right and wrong. There the unusual treatment of kindness and trust that Roger received from Mrs Jones would make him remember her throughout his life. The way Mrs Jones told him “You could of asked me.” brought about a great change in the psychology of the young boy. As Mrs Jones gave him ten dollars and provided him with food, he considered her to be a noble individual. Moreover, the lesson, that things earned in an immoral way could not provide peace to the human mind, taught him to perceive life differently. So, the moment Roger would leave the house, he would remember Mrs Jones as a tough woman who knew how to get hold of difficult situations and at the same time as a soft and generous person. Most importantly Roger would remember her as the person who had helped him to change his outlook towards life.