. What is the moral message embedded in the short story ‘Three Questions’?

‘Three Questions’ by Leo Tolstoy contains a universal truth. The true purpose of life is to help others. The learned men provided different answers to the Tsar’s three questions and the Tsar did not agree with any of them. So, with a wish to know the right answers to his questions he went to a wise hermit who lived in a wood. There the Tsar got his answers through his own experiences. The story portrays that it is none other than man himself, who can find the answers of his own questions. Man learns everything through his own actions. No single person can provide an appropriate answer as to what is the right time to start a work, whom to listen to and whom to avoid and which is the most important thing to get first priority. It is only life and no book or any individual that teaches one to take the right decisions. This is the moral message embedded in the short story ‘Three Questions’.

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