Hello friends today we are discuss this question, the question is -What is Anton Chekhov trying to say about the manner in which neighbours interact /behave? Support your answer with evidence from the play.
Anton Chekhov in his play ‘The Proposal’, satirises upper class Russian society of 19 century. Chekhov points out that there is a lack of fellow feeling among the neighbours. Jealousy and animosity are the feelings that they harbour for each other. Yet they strangely blame each other for not being good neighbours. Natalya criticises Lomov’s conduct saying “it is not at all neighbourly”. In the course of their argument Lomov accuses Chubukov, “… good neighbours don’t behave like that”. Natalya remarks “What trust can one have in neighbours after that!” All these reveal their true self and Chekhov becomes successful in showcasing the original scenario of the Russian society.