The first question asked by the Tsar was, what was the right time to start any work. Some leamed men advised him to draw up in advance, a table of days, months and years and follow it strictly.
A few advised him to do the most needful work without wasting time. Some others suggested him to consulta Council of wise men in order to carry out his work at the right time. While the rest recommended him to seek help of a magician because they have the power to work out things beforehand. When the Tsar asked who were the right people to take advice from, some of the learned men said that the Tsar’s councillors were the persons he needed the most, others mentioned the priests, others doctors, while some said the warriors. The Tsar’s third question was what was the most important work that he should undertake. He got different answers again. Some said it was science, some said expertise in battles and others said that it was religious worship, None of the answers could satisfy the Tsar.