For answer of the first two segments of the question refer to the answer of Q. No. 12.
The hermit from whom the Tsar decided to seek answers of the three questions that had occurred tohim lived in a hut in a forest which he never quitted. The hermit was widely renowned for his wisdom.
11. What did the Tsar proclaim for the correct answers? Could the learned men satisfy him? What was the Tsar’s reaction to their answers? Why was he dissatisfied with the answers of the scholars and the learned men?
And The Tsar declared throughout his kingdom that he would give a great reward to anyone who would provide the correct answers to the three questions that had occurred to him.No, the learned men could not satisfy the Tsar with their answers. Being dissatisfied with the answers of the learned men and the scholars, the Tsar decided to consult a hermit, who was well-known for his wisdom. All the answers of the scholars and the learned men varied from one another. This caused the Tsar’s dissatisfaction with the answers. He agreed with none of their replies to his questions and gave the reward to none.