Hello friends today we are discuss this question, the question is -Sketch the character of Natalya.
In the play ‘The Proposal’ written by Anton Chekhov, Natalya Stepanovna is the twenty-five year old daughter of the wealthy landowner Stepan Stepanovitch Chubukov. We learn from Lomov’s soliloquy that she is an excellent housekeeper, not bad-looking and well-educated, even before she appears. When finally she makes her entry, this anti-romantic heroine destroys all the expectations of romance in the situation that is supposed to be romantic. She is dressed in an apron and negligee and talks about shelling peas and stacking hay to a man who has come with a marriage proposal. She shows no traces of the “love-sick cat” attitude that her father has led us to expect because she was unaware about her marriage proposal. This spirited lady mocks and argues with Lomov unabashedly but gets extremely excited and restless to call him back when she comes to know about his proposal of marriage. In her extreme eagerness to get married, she accepts the proposal never uttered by Lomov and kisses the undisposed and confused Lomov at her father’s command but starts to argue immediately after that Thus, Chekhov uses her as a tool to satirize the process of courtship and marriage.