The bearded man was that foe of the Tsar who swore to avenge the execution of his brother and capturing of his property by killing the Tsar. As the daylight was gradually fading, he felt restless and came out to find the Tsar. On his way, he was spotted by the royal bodyguard who wounded him badly. Somehow, he managed to escape from their clutches and reached the hermit’s hut. There he received the hospitality of the Tsar. The Tsar with the help of the hermit nursed his wounds and saved him, The bearded man was so overwhelmed by the humane act of the Tsar, that he changed his decision. Thus, his mission turned out to be an unsuccessful one. He could not kill the person who had saved his life, Instead, he resolved to serve the Tsar as his most loyal slave if he survives and told the Tsar that he would try to make his sons do the same if the Tsar wishes to accept their service. The wounded man also sought the Tsar’s forgiveness,The Tsar was very glad that things had sorted out between him and his enemy with such ease and to have earned his former enemy as a friend. The Tsar not only forgave him but also said that he would send his servants and his own physician to attend him, The Tsar promised to restore his property as well.