How does a tree offer resistance to its destruction? How does its resistance fail?

Hello friends today we are discuss this question, the question is -How does a tree offer resistance to its destruction? How does its resistance fail?

In this poem, instead of ‘cutting’ a tree the word “killing” is used, which indicates the magnitude of the destruction and the perversity of the tragic act. For this, the killer needs to follow a meticulous process. No amount of “hacking and chopping” will be enough as a tree will heal its wound soon. Small twigs will sprout again and will grow slowly to regain its former structure thereby offering resistance to the destruction of a tree.

To stop this, the tree should be uprooted entirely. As the earth has been acting as its anchor for ages, it should be separated from the earth. A strong rope must be tied around it, and with its help it should be snapped out from the ground. Thus the strength of the tree the root will be exposed, and then it must be left to die slowly in the scorching sun where it will gradually turn brown, hard, twisted and withered. This is how a tree’s resistance will be failed and the entire killing process will be completed.

উচ্চ মাধ্যমিক  ইংরেজি  বইয়ের সব প্রশ্নউত্তর

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