Hello friends today we are discuss this question, the question is -Comment on the use of ‘symbolism’ in this poem.
In ‘The Poetry of Earth’ Keats has made a brilliant use of symbolism. The word ‘earth’ symbolizes Nature as a whole. Summer with its luxurious bounty, firstly stands for the pleasant phases of our lives. Secondly, it symbolizes the youth with all its vigor. The winter frost covering all life forms with its shroud of silence represents on one hand the painful phase’s one has to go through in life. On the other hand, it indicates the old age of a human being. The poet tries to convey that whether it is youth or old age, beauty can always be phrases and barren phases, ale havened pleasant but it to sing its exuberant song. So, we can hear the Grasshopper’s song in summer which is succeeded by that of the Cricket in winter. Again, the cycle of seasons, the birds, symbolize the brevity of human life. The Grasshopper and the Cricket are symbols of hope and tenacity. They provide hope, that no matter how tough the situation is there is always apace and inspiration to this inlay