“And seems to one half lost / The Grasshopper’s among some grassy hills.” Who is ‘one’? What vision is referred to here? Why does the ‘one’ have such a vision?

Hello friends today we are discuss this question, the question is -“And seems to one half lost / The Grasshopper’s among some grassy hills.” Who is ‘one’? What vision is referred to here? Why does the ‘one’ have such a vision?

Here the word ‘one’ refers to the poet or whoever is reading the poem. The Cricket’s chirp breaks the icy silence of a desolate winter evening and to the person who is half-asleep, the Cricket’s song seems to be the continuation of the Grasshopper’s song. Such a vision of a wintry night has been referred to here.

The poet has such a vision because he is half- asleep. The shrill cry of the Cricket has infused warmth into the environment. The song of the tiny insect breaks the stillness of a solitary winter evening and brings joy to the earth. The poet also fails to differentiate between the song of the Grasshopper who moves from one hedge to another singing merrily and the Cricket’s shrill cry emanating from the warm stove. The warmth which is generated through the Cricket’s song gradually changes the dull environment and makes the poet think of such a vision.

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