Imagine that you were present at that time of that event and write a blog post explaining the lessons you indirectly learned or were taught, using details from the story.

Recently I witnessed an incident which helped me to learn some important lessons of life. A wise hermit was requested to answer three questions by the Tsar, who had come to the hermit’s hut in the woods. I, being present there was lucky to hear the pertinent and logical answers to the three questions provided by the hermit. The hermit did not reply immediately, but after the occurrence of a few incidents during the course of the day, he replied that ‘the present is the most important time for a person’. The answer was appropriate. We all think about our future and spend time in planning how to secure it, but actually we cannot predict our future, nor can we change our past. The hermit’s answer immediately helped me to form a new philosophy of life. Why brood over the past or worry about the future when we can build our present more beautifully? If we concentrate on our present, it will automatically lead to a better future.

Again, the hermit was too wise in saying that the one with whom we are at the ‘present’ moment, is the most important person, and to do that person good must be our only motive. This idea opened my eyes and I was reminded of the fact that we, the children of God are sent to earth to do good to an individual as well as to the society we live in.

So, I came back from that place with a new insight that inspired me to change my out look. From then on, I promised to myself to value my ‘present’. Most important I will try to help others and do them good as much as I can.

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