Describe the picture of winter as presented in the poem ‘The Poetry of Earth’. How is warmth instilled in the cold atmosphere of winter? How does the cricket continue the song of the grasshopper in winter?

Hello friends today we are discuss this question, the question is -Describe the picture of winter as presented in the poem ‘The Poetry of Earth’. How is warmth instilled in the cold atmosphere of winter? How does the cricket continue the song of the grasshopper in winter?

Here, Keats draws a pen-picture of winter season. In winter, the Cricket’s shrill cry carries forward the poetry of earth. The land gets engulfed with frost and a stony silence prevails everywhere. Breaking the silence of the gloomy and desolate winter evening, a Cricket keeps chirping beside the warm fireside. His joyous song knows no barriers and becomes louder with every passing moment. Since it has no corporeal presence, the poet feels it is the voice of nature that has thus been manifested. The song of the cricket, coming from the fireside, instills warmth in the cold atmosphere of winter. In contrast to the lifeless weather the happy chirping of the Cricket’s sound infuses new energy to one’s soul. To the one dozing off, the cricket’s song appears to be a continuation of the song of the grasshopper.

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