“But this alone won’t do it.” What is ‘it’? What alone won’t do it? Why?

Hello friends today we are discuss this question, the question is -“But this alone won’t do it.” What is ‘it’? What alone won’t do it? Why?

Here ‘it refers to the act of killing a tree. The poet thinks that hacking and chopping alone will not do it because the injured trunk will heal itself and small green twigs will grow again. The small green twigs if left unchecked will attain its former size. According to the poet, hacking and chopping are not enough to kill a tree because the tree tries to cure the wound caused to it by the greedy section of mankind. Therefore with its healing power, it will repair the damage done to it and will give rise to miniature boughs.

উচ্চ মাধ্যমিক  ইংরেজি  বইয়ের সব প্রশ্নউত্তর

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